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Step Out for Hospice

We are incredibly grateful to the many individuals, teams, organizations, and businesses who supported the 27th Annual Step Out for Hospice walk/run at the Irish American Club of Woburn. Through your generosity, we raised more than $82,000 for end-of-life care. Thank you! 

Save the date for the 28th annual Step Out for Hospice on Sunday, Oct. 5, 2025! 

Step Out for Hospice is presented by the Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice & Palliative Care, the Irish American Club of Woburn, and the Shamrock Running Club. Results from the 2024 road race can be found on New England Timing's website.    


Sponsorships support more than the event; they make it possible for us to ensure local residents who are experiencing the challenges of life-limiting illnesses and loss receive the exceptional care and support they need and deserve. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities for businesses, individuals, and organizations, please contact Laura Wise, manager of fund development, at 617-886-6460.  


For event information or to volunteer, please contact Deborah Corkum, manager of grants and donor communications, at 508-868-5526. 

Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice & Palliative Care

The Woburn Friends of VNA Hospice & Palliative Care are dedicated to raising awareness of and charitable support for end-of-life care. Brian Kelley and Jamie Kelley are co-chairs. Connie McGilvray serves as vice chair, Tracey White as secretary, and Robert D. Brown as treasurer. Members are Kara Angelo, Jane Flaherty, Jill Foley, Robin Foley Giardina, State Rep. Richard Haggerty, Paul Jamieson, Ed Maguire, Tim Mantone, Barbara McElhiney, Joanne O’Brien, Diane Sawyer, Susan Stander, and Carole Torrice. Our gratitude to Joseph D. McDonough, Jr., chair emeritus, for his many years of leadership of the Woburn Friends. 

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors

Our gratitude to the following businesses and individuals for sponsoring Step Out for Hospice.   

Presenting Sponsor

Dello Russo Family Funeral Homes 

Platinum Sponsors
Common Trust Federal Credit Union logo

Jamieson Management Logo 
In Memory of Susan Jamieson and Al & Buddy Coakley 
Northern Bank logo
SBLI logo
Winchester Co-operative Bank logo 
Gold Sponsors

The Coakley Family

The Bill Collins Foundation

Emmett Electrical Services, Inc.

Marietta E. Lynch



New Horizons logo 
Silver Sponsors
Costello Funeral Home
G.W. Gately, Inc.
George's Auto Body of Woburn, Inc.
HPI (Health Plans, Inc.) 
Lawton Real Estate
McDonald Contracting  
Rick Metters, Maura Embler and Family  
Bronze Sponsors
Elia Financial Services
Gulde Insurance Agency, Inc. 
Hillside Florist & Gifts 
Hogan Tire & Auto
Juliano Law Group LLC 
Lukasiewicz & Bellavance
Rubin and Rudman LLP 
Sonet Electrical Systems    
TeamLogic IT 
The Leo Organization dba Dunkin'
Toro Construction  
Towanda Club 
Woburn Country Club 19th Hole Club 
Woburn Lodge of Elks No. 908 
Woburn Police Patrol Officers Union, Local 56 
A. Cierri & Sons
Adams Animal Clinic
Lohrman HVAC 
NE65+ Runner 
Woburn Gas & Service